Monthly Archives: July 2003

News: Camera phone manufacturers ban camera phones

The limits to camera phones    CNET Asia reports that some Korean manufacturers like Samsung and LG Electronics “may be fiercely promoting camera-equipped phones to consumers, but are wary about allowing their use on their own company grounds.” Both companies have barred employees from using the gadgets in some of their factories to prevent “industrial… Read More »

Update: Cracking the code

Microsoft Reader: a clarification      Further to my note about successful efforts to crack the new code protecting the copyright of Microsoft Reader ebooks, here’s a clarification from Dan Jackson, who keeps a copy of the software which can circumvent the code on his website:   I noticed you have an article concerning the… Read More »

News: Court says Gator-style ads are legal

  Good news for Gator, the adware company I wrote about a few weeks back. According to CNET a federal court has ruled that pop-up ads for rivals of U-Haul International, placed atop the moving company’s own site by a third-party software application from, are legal.     Although the case doesn’t involve Gator Corp,… Read More »

News: Protecting the Unprotectable

 However much they spend, Microsoft don’t seem to be able to fend off the hackers. A new version of its Reader — designed to allow users of the handheld device to read copyright protected versions of ebooks, while ensuring they don’t copy the ebooks or do thing with them they’re not supposed to — has… Read More »