A Directory of Virus Removal Tools

By | August 11, 2004

Some sites offering free tools for removing viruses, trojans and worms. Any additions/changes welcome.

27 thoughts on “A Directory of Virus Removal Tools

  1. Pingback: LAWTECH GURU BLOG by Jeff Beard

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  5. Sharath

    Avast is a great free (for home/personal use) anti-virus software, they also provide a very effective cleaner that has saved me a few times.

  6. Eric

    I am having the same find-help.org and web–search.com problem – it is also installing icons to my desktop somehow – if anyone can help, please email me Goodlookin06@cox.net

  7. Bart

    Hi, I am a techy…but really had a problem with a nasty spyware infection..named ABetterInternet-Aurora
    And I tried all spyware removal tools known above…and really nothing helped…the blasted thing kept on coming back..grasping at the last straw…I went to the website of mypctuneup.com and there they had a removaltool…I know..never go there..but if you want to get rid of it..DO


  8. Masoom

    If any of you having problem of changing home page by adware and affected by spyware can try software Geeksuperhero. The trail version can help you a lot.


  9. moazzam

    I have netsky32.p@mm. Need its removal tool. Can any one help me.

  10. Chris

    I think a great tool you left off is Nod32 by ESET. It rips through anything. We have the Enterprise version running on our 230 user LAN. Works like a champ…way better than McAffee did before.

  11. windsor

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  12. Bill

    I’m currently using Panda, but I’ve used ZoneLabs, Symantec, McAfee, and Trend over the years and they’ve all got their plusses and minuses. I have found some of the Open Source stuff to be VERY good, too!

  13. richard

    Avast is the best antivirus and troujan remover I could find, And it is free. I have had troujan on my machine and could not get rid of it for ages. A friend introduced me to avast and it took the problem away. So avast 100%.
    Source http://www.homeremovalservices.com


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