A Directory Of Podcast Directories

By | June 23, 2005

To accompany my column this week on podcasting (which will appear here when it’s out; subscription only I’m afraid), here’s a directory of podcast directories (and search engines), in no particular order:

Some are better than others. Depends what you’re looking for. I’m sure there are more: Please feel free to add.

13 thoughts on “A Directory Of Podcast Directories

  1. Pingback: Webfeed Central

  2. david

    Here’s another podcast search & directory service:


    It’s a bit different in that not only can you search for podcasts, but you can get personalized recommendations based on your specific interests.

  3. John Parker

    Americansportsblog.com provides updated information about: Sports and news, base balls, basket ball players, total sports america, sports news and scores, latest football results, wimbledon champions the art of american football and more……….

  4. Podcast Fusion

    Podcast Fusion’s directory links to over 18,000 podcasts. Registered users have the ability to bookmark podcasts and automatically sync them to their desktop PC or MP3 players via the site’s OPML feed manager (when used with Juice).

  5. Dave

    Take a look at The Key Event podcast portal it allows a
    podcaster or anyone else to embed the directory’s interface in their website or blog. Even though this directory is fairly new it may offer new ways for podcasters to expose their shows


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