Indonesia’s Quake

By | May 29, 2006

For anyone interested in helping the victims of the Yogyakarta earthquake, in which thousands of people have been killed inside their heavy stone and slate homes, here’s Indonesia Help – Earthquake and Tsunami Victims.

Sadly, this website was originally set up for the tsunami, now 17 months ago, but has been quickly resurrected to provide news and information on how to help. Even the website of the administration of the town of Bantul has updated its site with some news and photos of the quake. More information can be found at the airputih media center. The tsunami has clearly made local organisations and individuals aware of the need for rapid disbursement of information, especially on missing persons and where to give your aid. I noticed Saturday night folk walking around traffic in Jakarta with donation boxes, but we also know from experience the prevalence of scams during such times. Better to give your money to an organisation recommended by one of these sites.

One thought on “Indonesia’s Quake

  1. Jamil

    Cara untuk mengalahkan US bukan cara bunuh diri. Upah samseng untuk bunuh CEO syarikat US di negara anda dan suruh keluarga mereka minta gantirugi dari BUSH, BLAIR dll. Mereka dibunuh sebab polisi negara mereka. CEO 1. Exxon 2. Amoco 3. Microsoft 4. Bechtel 5. GM Motor 6. IBM 7. McDonald 8. KFC 9. Playboy 10. HSBC


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