South Ossetia: The First Cyber/Physical War?

By | August 9, 2008


BBC picture

Wikipedia is doing a good job of chronicling the war in South Ossetia; its mention of several apparent cyberattacks on both sides makes me wonder whether this is the first instance of a physical war being accompanied by a cyberwar? All those listed on Wikipedia are not parallel attacks, i.e. they are not part of an actual physical war.

So far the attacks have been by Georgian supporters on two Ossetian media sites, and attacks by supporters of South Ossetia on the Georgian National Bank website and the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (which was reportedly splashed with a collage of of Saakashvili and Hitler photos.) The Georgian news site, Civil Georgia that reported the attacks on the South Ossetian websites itself now appears to be down.

Some attacks appear to preceded the war, suggesting that they were part of a deliberate build-up ahead of the entry of Russian troops into South Ossetia. On July 21 the Georgian president’s website was attacked. I wasn’t able to access the website as of early Aug 9. While tensions have been growing between Georgia and Russia for several weeks, it seems clear that the botnet involved in this attack was set up for this purpose only a few weeks ago.

Of course, none of this means that it’s done at an official level. But it’s interesting that at a time the Georgians and the South Ossetians would presumably like to get their sides of the story out, they can’t because their websites, official and unofficial, are down.

As the Georgian ambassador to the UK put it to Al Jazeera:

“Georgia has been attacked by a formidable force, it is a brutal attack with the use of air force, tanks and even the trademark cyber attack.”

“If this is not an all out war what is?” he asked.

War in South Ossetia (2008) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Update on Aug 12: some more links

10 thoughts on “South Ossetia: The First Cyber/Physical War?

  1. Yuri

    Georgia provocated Russia and This country is an initiator of the War!!!georgian armed Force THE FIRST had entered into TSHINVALy about 1 o’clock at night. They quicly entered into this city. many buildings, uneversity and ambylances were distroyed by them. they bobmed citizant’ houses, shooted and killed piecefull people. they shooted and killed injured, weak illed people. Russian armed force had entered into Osetiab about 4 o’clock at day. and they are not killed citizants. Russians protect their citizants who live in Osetia.and how do you think if russian had entereg into Osetia The First The Ossetia’s people come back into Russia? It’s not logicaly. But these people have left their houses and come back to Russia and ask for help to Russia. They don’t came back to Georgia they came back to Russia!!!

  2. alex

    Saakashvili is a criminal beyond belief. His forces staged a full-fledged genocide of South Ossetian people. They were killing women and children by running them over with their tanks! A number of women were killed by holding their heads and shooting at their necks before the head separeted. Thess saddists also killed a number of journalists covering the situation. They didn’t stage warfare (warfare has rules) – they staged atrocities and ethnic clensing. Only cowards can do this, they are not men. I am not sure if targeting civilians was part of US-based training of Georgian forces just a few weeks ago but all the evidence suggests that US has intimate interests in destabilizing situation around the strong countries of the world that were its historical opponents. This way all the world’s resources can be appropriated or shipped in the “right” direction. US also wishes to engulf post-Soviet Republics into NATO. That way it could have its forces surrounding Russia. The building of anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe is not against Iran as they claim – it’s clearly against Russia. Even after all the evidence of ethnic clensing is clearly presented to the US, they still call it Russian “occupation”. They think people are stupid and can be easily brain-washed. In fact the news is twisted every possible way to conseal the attrocities. For example, they mention “the number of people killed” but not even once have they mentioned that the Georgians killed 2000 people. Every psychological trick is used to give a twisted view of reality. In my 10 years in North America I have yet to read one positive piece of news about Russia!

    For the US, Georgia is a bit similar to Iraq when it comes to its search for oil supplies. The only difference it is also trying to be its “friend” so that NATO forces can be placed there at the Russian border. It is trying to kill these two birds with one rock, which comes at Russia’s expense.

    Also, make no mistake about Saakashvili. He is friends with Borish Berezovsky who once needless to say, illegally, controlled 10% of Russians money in early 90’s (Read Paul Khlebnikov’s book “The Godfather of Kremlin”; it’s no surprize the authour is no longer with us). Berezovsky is also interested in destabilizing Russia as it convicted to life in prison their for his criminal activities. In fact he himself stated that, one cannot get that rich in Russia without having to commit something illegal. Some of the personal financial transactions involved in Berezovsky’s and Saakashvili’s business endeavors were done with Chechen separatists. So both of them have places to hide where nobody in this world would dare to find them. Berezovsky has proved to be a powerful mastermind when it comes to impacting countries’ leaders and gaining control in difficult situations. He might have a small hand to play in this situation considering how close the two are.

    It should come as no surprize that the situation in South Ossetia was so much needed by parties external to Russia. Russia was left with no option but to protect its sitizens.

  3. alex

    Saakashvili is a criminal beyond belief. His forces staged a full-fledged genocide of South Ossetian people. They were killing women and children by running them over with their tanks! A number of women were killed by holding their heads and shooting at their necks before the head separeted. Thess saddists also killed a number of journalists covering the situation. They didn’t stage warfare (warfare has rules) – they staged atrocities and ethnic clensing. Only cowards can do this, they are not men. I am not sure if targeting civilians was part of US-based training of Georgian forces just a few weeks ago but all the evidence suggests that US has intimate interests in destabilizing situation around the strong countries of the world that were its historical opponents. This way all the world’s resources can be appropriated or shipped in the “right” direction. US also wishes to engulf post-Soviet Republics into NATO. That way it could have its forces surrounding Russia. The building of anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe is not against Iran as they claim – it’s clearly against Russia. Even after all the evidence of ethnic clensing is clearly presented to the US, they still call it Russian “occupation”. They think people are stupid and can be easily brain-washed. In fact the news is twisted every possible way to conseal the attrocities. For example, they mention “the number of people killed” but not even once have they mentioned that the Georgians killed 2000 people. Every psychological trick is used to give a twisted view of reality. In my 10 years in North America I have yet to read one positive piece of news about Russia!

    For the US, Georgia is a bit similar to Iraq when it comes to its search for oil supplies. The only difference it is also trying to be its “friend” so that NATO forces can be placed there at the Russian border. It is trying to kill these two birds with one rock, which comes at Russia’s expense.

    Also, make no mistake about Saakashvili. He is friends with Borish Berezovsky who once needless to say, illegally, controlled 10% of Russians money in early 90’s (Read Paul Khlebnikov’s book “The Godfather of Kremlin”; it’s no surprize the authour is no longer with us). Berezovsky is also interested in destabilizing Russia as it convicted to life in prison their for his criminal activities. In fact he himself stated that, one cannot get that rich in Russia without having to commit something illegal. Some of the personal financial transactions involved in Berezovsky’s and Saakashvili’s business endeavors were done with Chechen separatists. So both of them have places to hide where nobody in this world would dare to find them. Berezovsky has proved to be a powerful mastermind when it comes to impacting countries’ leaders and gaining control in difficult situations. He might have a small hand to play in this situation considering how close the two are.

    It should come as no surprize that the situation in South Ossetia was so much needed by parties external to Russia. Russia was left with no option but to protect its sitizens.

  4. Alberto

    I may seem a funny guy, but to me this war means one thing only: that Iran is to be attacked soon. Very soon.

    Of course, I may be wrong. But the fact is, or my rationale is: I doubt that Putin would risk anything if he weren’t sure to be in a safe-box having already purchased his immunity by granting something to his potential international oppponents. What may have he granted?

    For instance, his formal protests but factual inaction before an already several times vented attack on Iran, if the same is granted to him for this Georgian war between an army of 500 fighters against 17.

    So to me it spells of a possibly imminent attack on Iran.

  5. helldeadman

    Georgian aggress and genocide Ossetia people and Russian peace-makers

    We present a set of photographs from the war in South Ossetia made by Arcady Pachinko, one of the editors of Russian war veterans Almanac ”Art of War” ( Arcady went with Russian troops on the route Vladikavkaz – Tshinval – Zemo Nikozi – Gori and participated as journalist in the battle for Georgian village Zemo Nikozi. Photographs were prepared and placed in the Internet by Chief Editor of the Almanac Ilya Plekhanov.

    Almanac “Art of War” literature project for veterans of recent wars. It has become apparent that there are many talented writers among veterans. They have been able to create an outstanding literature that appeals to readers everywhere with its sincerity, honesty and factual accuracy. We are privileged to publish works of Russian and foreign authors from all over the world who are veterans of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Russian translations of war literature in other languages can also be found here.

    The “Art of War” almanac is for those who live, who remember, and who want to know what war actually is. This almanac is also for the soldier, the man who does know war intimately. We hope this almanac may become a rehabilitation ground for veterans. We would be glad to see you among our writers, readers and subscribers.

    Full text of the Editor Note:


    American and European mass media not right. That American course in scramble dominant party in favor of Oval Office.
    I always know what American government and businessmen when pursue purposes always immolate people both their citizen so foreigner people all the more so
    both apart from of itself nobody for people not valid! How that been in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, Afghanistan, etc.
    American government gate an order their vassal country Georgia attack Ossetia republic. Russia protect their people. Mass media settle down to brainwash population of word a wrong impression information. And people both don’t know history itself country, say nothing of history of Word. Suck at analyze situation, he takes it all in on. American government to carry one’s point, on-coming dictator Mac Kein amended regain positions in favor of Oval Office and one jump ahead of Obama. And America for the time being hero, Russia aggressor, Georgia indemnity, and Ossetia overall nobody don’t know what that ! American government do one’s bit, and Georgian president just in case make as if get the laugh. So if all mistake way, it is possible say that Saacashvili psychinosis and American don’t know this and warranted free from acts Georgian President!
    Study history, people! Russia never been aggressor, he only protect always. As was formerly the case witch Mongolia, first Word War when half Europe attack Russia and Two Word War when Fashist attack Russia, and Japan war when Japan attack Russian, and Chechen conflict when terrorist kill Russian people. All country of Europe pass a wet sponge over what Russia lost many soldier emancipate from Fashist Army country of Europe, and usually nobody don’t occupation. I guess so it been stink out Fashist from Russian territory and pull out Fashist at Europe territory interesting what will been?
    One mistake of Russia will be Cheh Republic when Russia want stop revolution and Afghanistan when Russia want stop narcotraffic, where Russia forfeit lives her soldier.
    Hungry to sensation Word mass media there is do from Russia the Grate Word Aggressor good gum! what’s that? That sensation! Whereof recognize that banal conflict where Georgia as early as over the period of 300 years trying terminate nonconformist (according to Georgia) fight for independence Ossetia republic and has nail that territory himself! Mass media that not interesting, that not sensation!
    People will be objective!

    America have control Iraq, so that connect access to oil! If Russia will be as greedy as America and want control anything. Оonly in Georgia nothing doing, that beggar country. Oonly Saacashvili vocalize about healthy Georgia. Only one fact more than 75 present population live and work in Russia territory and only thereon Georgian economic receive if only something many.(grim humor: if Russia would like kill Georgian people (whereof talk president Saacashvili)
    so Russian army needed doing at one night kill all Georgian people on Russian territory and then other Georgian people live in Georgia died themselves of famine)
    Georgia was healthy only in USSR, but when Georgia stay independent, all what was build Russian for Georgia (fabric and manufacture) was stop work and beggar Georgian people break down that and sell it as scrap metal.
    Тtherefore Georgia was occupation the riches closely-spaced health resort republic as Ossetia and Aphasia. So that make many on tourism.

  6. Mirimas

    For Russia that has occured in South Ossetia on August, 8th when Georgia has attacked Ossetia, the same, that for the USA towers-twins on September, 11th. Quantity of victims respective. Saakashvili the rockets has killed more than 1500 peace inhabitants, and CITIZENS of the Russian Federation! That I see now is there would be the same as though after tragedy on September, 11th 2001, any country has supported Аль-Каиду and in support Ben Ladanu has sent 18 military ships in the help to terrorists. Be on a place of the Russian Federation the USA, for a long time Saakashvili would be hung up. And the USA supported all this time ” Caucasian Ben Ladana “.

    I.e. that now I see me in mass-media of the Europe horrifies – Russia has attacked small Georgia… That would be if Russian tanks have not entered into Ossetia, that, not having protected the peace population, probably, defenders of human rights does not interest any more, only as Russian kill everything, bears fat… Well it in fact, you see, is immoral also it so awfully. Has still seen a photo with the signature ” Russian attack to Georgia ” – why do not publish a photo as the Georgian militarians have alive burnt the house with children and old men about whom Putin and as they killed peacemakers spoke.

    Georgia has attacked Ossetia, instead of the Russian Federation to Georgia – in mass-media is even huge quantity links to references of the European editions which refer to ” information war “. Western mass-media are not absolutely pure, give not the true information, in particular the Air Forces, therefore it is not necessary to accuse the Russian Federation of all sins at once. The picture which was drawn with the western mass-media, essentially differed from the validity.

    I do not work to the Kremlin, or on Putin as many European mass-media can think. I the simple inhabitant, and this my opinion. Sorry for my English.

    Для России то, что произошло в Южной Осетии 8 августа, когда Грузия напала на Осетию, то же самое, что для США башни-близнецы 11 сентября. Количество жертв соответственные. Саакашвили своими ракетами убил более 1500 мирных жителей, причем ГРАЖДАН РФ! Что я вижу сейчас – это было бы то же самое, как если бы после трагедии 11 сентября 2001, какая-либо страна поддержала Аль-Каиду и в поддержку Бен Ладану отправила 18 военных кораблей в помощь террористам. Будь на месте РФ США, давно бы Саакашвили был повешен. А США всё это время поддерживали “Кавказского Бен Ладана”.

    Т.е. то, что сейчас я вижу в масс-медия европы меня ужасает – Россия напала на маленькую Грузию… что бы было если бы русские танки не вошли в Осетию, тем самым, не защитив мирное население, видимо, защитников прав человека уже не интересует, только как русские убивают всех, медведи жирные… Ну это ведь, согласитесь, аморально и это так ужасно.

    Ещё увидел фотографию с подписью “Русская атака на Грузию” – почему же не публикуют фотографии, как грузинские военные заживо спалили дом с детьми и стариками, о которых говорил Путин, и как они убивали миротворцев.

    Именно Грузия напала на Осетию, а не РФ на Грузию – в масс-медия есть даже огромное кол-во ссылок на ссылки европейских изданий, которые называются “информационная война”. Западные масс-медия не совсем чисты, дают не верную информацию, в особенности ВВС, поэтому не стоит сразу обвинять РФ во всех грехах. Картина, которую нарисовали западные СМИ, существенно отличалась от действительности.

    Я не работаю на Кремль, или на Путина, как многие европейские масс-медия могут подумать. Я простой обыватель, и это моё мнение.

  7. Gio

    In Georgia there are 500 000 refugees of all 3 million ethnic Georgians. Dear Russians celebrate the day of victory of 130 million people over 3 million, it’s comic at least.

    1. Those 500 000 people lost their properties and homes, as well as they got some very severe moral trauma.

    2. Abkhazian and Ossetian civilians were victims of aggression by the side of Russian military invasion in Tbilisi and outside conflict zone where more Ossetians live than in conflict zones.

    3. The ratio of ethnic data showed that Georgians were majority in all the conflict zones – now there are only burnt homes on ethnic reasons. UNO, Human Rights Watch and OSCE soon recognized the fact as ethnic cleansing against Georgians even after the imperialistic war of Russians against Caucasian peoples in 1990-s.

    4. Russia has lots of experience in conducting severe genocides of the people of the Caucasus – among them Circassian and Ingush people. The major force against free states is ethnically formed para-military groups who spread conflict on ethnic and religious backgrounds.

    5. Georgia has not attacked anyone – how could we attack our own territory where bandits from para-military groups bombed the homes of both Georgian and Ossetinian peoples? We just tried to stop those bandits and let international peacekeepers in which Russia is very much afraid of.

    P.S. Russia is a danger to the whole world not only to Georgia. I strongly suspect in the power of NATO. It seems to be quite a big impotent to regulate the security of the member states, especially when Germany enjoys quite good relations with Russia and Poland is squeezed in between as always, also pay attention at Turkey who plays quite a good game with Iran, and at last may be Greece who is almost at war with Turkey. It is a fake organization and the USA spends its money in vain. It would be more useful if new allies organized a well-depicted campaign against Russian empire and Muslim world. The world needs new crusaders now as never before. We are the first. Who is the next?


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