However good your directions may be, there’s nothing like a map to show people where you are. But it’s fiddly, and usually they’ve already left home by the time they realise they don’t actually know where you live.
Here’s a great and simple way to include a map of your location with your directions and address, in the form of a simple link which can be emailed, sent by instant message or SMS. The resulting page looks good online and in a phone browser.
Go to and type in the name you want to have as your address —, for example:
If it’s available the box will turn green.
Enter the address on the next page and the Google Map on the left of the address will immediately jump to that location:
There’s a room for notes, where you can include driving directions:
(There are more fields available if you want them.)
The resulting page will look like this:
It also looks good on a phone:
Include the link at the bottom of your email signatures or in your contact address book. It’s easy enough to then send it to friends by email, SMS or instant message.
Update: Be wary of what you put up there: the information is not visible to search engines, but the page could be stumbled upon(since there’s no password). So, in the words of the company, best not use it for sensitive information.