It used to be called Loose Bits, but I prefer Loose Change. For now. It’s the same thing: tidbits I found that might be of interest:
- First off, NeatReceipts, which sells a small scanner and special software to scan in your receipts while you’re on the road, has announced a new version of its software, which should be in the shops next month. Includes color Scanning, a better Document Organizer and better OCR. Version 2.5 will retail for $200, the same price as the current Scanalizer. I reviewed the product a few months back and was impressed, though you’ve got to really love receipts to get into it.
- Lost in the Crowd allows you to search the web more anonymously by mixing in with your normal searches entirely random ones sent on your behalf: “What searches did you care about versus those that were just made up? There’s no way for the search engine, or anyone else, to tell.” Nice idea. Only hitch I can think of is if those random searches lead down weird alleys that may come back to haunt me.
- Forget Google anonymity. Just worry about voting. A blog by two Princeton University types reveals an ordinary “hotel minibar” or office key will open the door on Diebold Voting Machines, allowing someone to remove, alter or replace the memory card that stores the votes.