Author Archives: jeremy

Concentration in the Public Space

By Jeremy Wagstaff Why do we work in Starbucks? It’s a question I ask myself every day, because I usually find myself in one at least once. This despite having an excellent home office replete with cappucino machine, music, ergonomic chair and, most importantly, sofa. But lo, every day I wend my way to a… Read More »

Podcast: Viral Rhymes

The BBC World Service Business Daily version of my piece on Nursery Rhymes: History’s Most Viral Startup? (The Business Daily podcast is here; the original piece is here.)   Loose Wireless 110330 To listen to Business Daily on the radio, tune into BBC World Service at the following times, or click here.  Australasia: Mon-Fri 0141*, 0741  East Asia: Mon-Fri 0041,… Read More »

Nursery Rhymes: History’s Most Viral Startup?

(This is a copy of my weekly column for newspapers and radio.) As the father of a child born in the era between the first and second iPads, I am made acutely aware that technology is driving baby rearing–just as it is driving everything else. But I find the field surprisingly uneven. Nappies, for example.… Read More »

Patriot Hacker The Jester’s Libyan Psyops Campaign

via Is the Jester, a patriotic hacker better known for bringing down allegedly jihadist websites, injecting fake news strories about Libya to demoralize Gaddafi’s forces? Anthony Freed of infosec reckons so. Very good piece, and opens up all sorts of interesting avenues for dark hacktivism.