Author Archives: jeremy

the digitally ass-backwards age

We’re living in a digitally ass backwards age, where everything you do of commercial monetary value is retained, amazingly easy to recover and commercially mined at mind-boggling speed, but everything else — photos, an SMS, an email you sent to someone last week, the deed to your house — is lost in the muddle of that drive an inch or two from your finger tips.

Directory of note-taking apps

Roam has shaken up a once dull market. But what else is out there? For the first time in more than a decade I dust off the once-popular ‘directory’ series of blogposts to try to draw up a rudimentary directory of apps and services that offer something similar to Roam Research. It’s tough, partly because Roam is so excellent but also because it’s hard to know where to draw the line. Here’s a stab