Category Archives: Blogs

Plagiarising Students, or Wiki-style Collaboration?

Plagiarism or just a great example of the new way things are done? Not content with copying their coursework from the Internet, students, it seems, are now plagiarising their university applications. A study by the British university admissions clearing house Ucas has found that 5% of student applications had borrowed material to write their personal… Read More »

Leaving The Bad News Trail

You can understand sometimes why people think old, mainstream media don’t get it. As journalists we’re trained to really cover bad news. It’s a cliche, but it’s true, though up until recently only born-again types or folk with dandelions in their ears would say it: The way traditional media covers society is deeply skewed towards… Read More »

Bald-headed Britney and the Lost Art of Linking

I think we’ve missed a big trick with links. You know, those underlined words on a web page that take us somewhere else. They’ve been around a while now, so you’d think we’d have explored them a bit, built a little etiquette around them, what to do, what not to do when you link to… Read More »

Twittering in the Forest

I was a bit rude about Twitter in my last WSJ column (subscription only, I’m afraid), about the Web 2.0 satire Useless Account: I can’t have an online conversation these days, for example, without someone telling me to use Twitter, a fabulously popular way to broadcast your current activity (and I mean current, as in… Read More »