Category Archives: datawars

Patriot Hacker The Jester’s Libyan Psyops Campaign

via Is the Jester, a patriotic hacker better known for bringing down allegedly jihadist websites, injecting fake news strories about Libya to demoralize Gaddafi’s forces? Anthony Freed of infosec reckons so. Very good piece, and opens up all sorts of interesting avenues for dark hacktivism.

Jeremy Wagstaff: Technology Shapes Revolution –

Was social media the driving force behind the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt? Commentators in the West are divided. Some insist that Hosni Mubarak would never have fallen without Facebook and Twitter. To which others respond that these tools promote only weak forms of organization and were incidental to the protests gaining momentum. The question… Read More »

“One Technician Unplugged The Estonian Internet”

In all the hoo-ha about the Arab Revolutions some interesting WikiLeaks cables seem to be slipping through the net. Like this one from 2008 about Estonia’s view of the cyberattack on Georgia. Estonia had learned some tough lessons from Russia’s cyberattack on its defenses the previous year, so was quick to send cyber-defense experts to… Read More »

Podcast: Social Media and Social Conflict

The BBC World Service Business Daily version of my piece on the relationship between communications and political change .  (The Business Daily podcast is here.)    Loose Wireless 110216 To listen to Business Daily on the radio, tune into BBC World Service at the following times, or click here.  Australasia: Mon-Fri 0141*, 0741  East Asia: Mon-Fri 0041, 1441  South… Read More »

Data, WikiLeaks and War

I’m not going to get into the rights and wrongs of the WikiLeaks thing. Nor am I going to look at the bigger implications for the balance of power between governed and governing, and between the U.S. and its allies and foes. Others have written much better than I can on these topics. I want… Read More »