Category Archives: Design

The Connections Our Buttons Make

Once we create all that attention data, think of the whacky things we can do with it. I’ve been banging on about attention data for a while now, and I apologise. (For an explanation and a bit of background, go here.) But I can’t help seeing stuff through that prism nowadays. Like this camera called… Read More »

The Limits of the Ribbon Revolution

The Microsoft Office Ribbon is really starting to take off. I’ve seen it in three applications in the past two days: a mindmapping program (I’m under embargo so can’t say which one), SmartDraw 2007, and even something like Mindomo ( review here), an online mindmapping program. Here is a bunch of other programs using the Ribbon:… Read More »

A Show of Unwashed Hands

Ever been grossed out, a la Seinfeld, by someone who visits the bathroom but doesn’t seem to know what washbasins are for? You need the iGene:  i-Gene [sic] is designed for washrooms or areas where hand hygiene is critical. It detects movement and after a given period of time (pre-delay setting) will play the following… Read More »

Keeping Your Back to the Crowd

I’m surprised this is not bigger than it is: the device that lets every woman be a man. Better known as the Whiz: “Its unique shape was tested by over 1,400 women in clinical trials and since then by thousands of women of all ages, from all walks of life. When held properly the Whiz… Read More »