Category Archives: Innovation

Still Sneaky After All These Years

I still retain the capacity to get bummed out by the intrusiveness of software from companies you’d think would be trying to make us happy these days, not make us madder. My friend Scotty, the Winpatrol watchdog, has been doing a great job of keeping an eye on these things. The culprits either try to… Read More »

The Big Chill Hits Google

So is Google, like, the new Yahoo? Google is closing some of its services, or at least no longer supporting them. Which for me is a tad sad, since I’ve always loved prodding around inside the Googleplex, convinced that one day all these disparate services would come together in the same way Google Docs, Calendar… Read More »

Radio Australia Stuff, Jan 9 2009

For those listening to my slot on Radio Australia’s Breakfast Show, here’s what I was talking about: Palm (remember them?) come up with an iPhone killer: the Pre. Cameras finally get connected: The Sony Cybershot G3 can surf the web. Sacrifice one unhealthy habit for another: Burger King rewards Facebookers who delete friends with a… Read More »

The Lost World of Yahoo

This piece was written for a commentary on the BBC World Service Business Daily about Jerry Yang’s decision to resign as CEO. Back in the early days of the World Wide Web there was really only one name. Yahoo. You could tell it was big because it was what you’d type in your browser to… Read More »

Pig Gelatin Proves Oswald Acted Alone

Advances in technology—specifically, in blood spatter analysis and crash test dummies—have been harnessed to prove that it was, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald who killed JFK. Blood spatter analysis has, apparently, been around for a while, but only recently has it gotten good enough to know what the spatter actually means. (More here, if you… Read More »