Category Archives: Uncategorized

Queuing: Cultural or Economic?

Fascinating discussion on Freakonomics blog about lining up and how it varies from culture to culture. I must confess, after 20 years in Asia I’m still British and somewhat obsessed by queuing, and get very upset when it’s not followed. One commenter explains it thus: clipped from There is a simple explanation for this.… Read More »

The Sound of the Crowd as Trigger

British Telecom (BT) is working on software that picks out the best bits of a soccer game and puts it together as a presentation. The software – developed over four years – views a football match and produces a graph assessing each passage of play, saving only what it considers to be the most interesting… Read More »

Football: The New Kremlinology

Following football these days feels more like Kremlinology — trying to read into the minds of managers, players defecting like scientists and ‘agents’ cutting deals in exotic locales via dead letter boxes. As usual, in such games, information is power, which is why I liked this throwaway line from a Guardian report about this weekend’s… Read More »


Lifehacker points to how to turn your old Moleskine into a hard drive casing. Not only cool, but useful for hiding your back up in a bookcase. clipped from