Directory of note-taking apps
Roam has shaken up a once dull market. But what else is out there? For the first time in more than a decade I dust off the once-popular ‘directory’ series of blogposts to try to draw up a rudimentary directory of apps and services that offer something similar to Roam Research. It’s tough, partly because Roam is so excellent but also because it’s hard to know where to draw the line. Here’s a stab
Google, browsers and the illusion of choice
It’s Google’s world, which means we’re always leaking data to them. Some of us assiduously search for other options. But it’s not easy. Two reasons: We don’t have a firm grasp of the size of the elephant we’re confronting, and secondly, we don’t really understand what we’re doing when we’re online. What data are we… Read More »
Workplace surveillance, from Russia with love
(Part 3 of a series on post-covid remote working. Part 2 here) Ok, so you’ve decided to install some workplace surveillance software, despite all the good reasons why you shouldn’t. Do you know exactly what you’re letting yourself in for? A basic question: Who, exactly, are these companies? Let’s take a look at one: StaffCop —… Read More »
Employee snooping is big business. Expect it to get bigger
I wrote previously about how snooping on employees is going to become the norm as managers scramble to deal with a workforce that is reluctant — or unable — to return to the workplace. Enabling this will be a host of tools available for companies to do this. It’ll be impossible for a lot of… Read More »