Podcast: The Usual Suspects

Here I discuss on my regular slot with Adelaine Ng of Radio Australia patent wars, Amazon’s pricing policy and anything else we can think of. (This is from last Wednesday, so probably of historical interest only, unless you like hearing me say ‘er’ a lot.)  Loose Wireless 111101 Thanks to the ABC for allowing me… Read More »

Phishy Facebook Emails

Facebook phishes are getting better. Compare this one: and this: Notice how the key bit, supposedly defining that it’s a legit email, is successfully and convincingly faked: The only difference that stands out is the domain: facebookembody.com. Although Google classified it as spam they didn’t warn that it would go to a website that contains… Read More »

The Siri Thing

I was asked to pen a few lines for a Guardian journalist on why I thought Siri was male  in the U.S. and female in the UK. My quote was taken a tad out of context and so offended some folk who either didn’t know I was a technology columnist who makes a living out… Read More »

ASEAN Phishing Expeditions

Mila Parkour, the indefatigable phish researcher from DC, points to some recent spear-phishing attacks which to me help confirm that Southeast Asia, and ASEAN in particular, has become something of a focus for the chaps in China. They also highlight just how vulnerable diplomats in the region are because of poor security. One is a… Read More »

Social Media Phishing Hazards

As usual, I feel we’re not being smart enough about the way that scammers improve their skills. We demand everything to be easier, and they just reap the winnings. What they’re exploiting is the fact that we use a lot of different services (twitter, email, Facebook), and services within services (those which use those primary… Read More »