Tag Archives: social engineering

More On Minnow Phishing

Here’s some more on the phishers targeting smaller institutions: The Anti-Phishing Working Group has warned that smaller banks scams are surfacing with increasing frequency. The group’s monthly report warned that “hackers are modifying their attack methods by shifting away from attacking popular or large institutions.” Credit unions are increasingly baring the brunt of this new… Read More »

Phishing Gets Smaller, Smarter

It’s intriguing how phishers are targeting smaller and smaller groups. Not only does it indicate that the bigger banks and institutions are becoming more secure (or their customers smarter) but it indicates that the phishers must be employing increasingly sophisticated methods of harvesting email addresses. Or is there something else afoot? The Bakersfield Californian yesterday reported… Read More »

Banks To Customers: You Have To Pay For Phishing

Good article in Australia’s BRW Magazine about phishing and banks. It makes some important points, not least that banks are still trying to talk down the problem while at the same time passing costs and risk onto the customer: Banks are desperate to assure their customers that internet banking is safe. But their actions are not… Read More »

The Toolbar That Works

Netcraft is now offering a Firefox version of its excellent anti-phishing Toolbar. The toolbar runs on any operating system supported by Firefox and displays the hosting location, country, longevity, popularity, and an abstracted risk rating for each site visited. Additionally, the toolbar blocks access to phishing sites reported by other members of the Netcraft Toolbar community… Read More »