From the very sizeable
Cheapskate Hoteliers Dept comes a report (thanks
textually.org) from Scotland of a mobile phone jamming scam, as exposed by the
Daily Record. Businessman Ronnie McGuire, the paper says, is flooding Scotland with high-tech phone jammers that are illegal to use. Sold to hotels, restaurants, bars and bed and breakfasts, the devices emit radio waves which wipe out the signal to mobile phones, rendering them useless. Guests, unaware their signal has been sabotaged, are forced to use expensive hotel phone lines or call boxes.
McGuire is quoted as saying: “It comes up on their phone `no service’ and people think there’s no service in that area.
But it’s best not to tell anyone you’ve got it because they might not be too happy.” True, too true. Of course they must be great for a bit of peace and quiet.