I’m writing this from my Treo which is a great example of portable blogging, I guess, but it’s not good for adding links. Does a blog posting have to have links to be good? I know one school of thought has it that blogs must be alive with links to offer value, while others suggest that postings should be short, concise and point somewhere else.
But while this post kind of proves other people’s points (in that the above sentence is useless without the links to illustrate it), I believe that blog posts should contain a thought, and that thought should be clearly expressed within the posting. Links to me are like endnotes: you can read them if you want, but the central thesis or assertion must be self-contained within the blog posting. Folk may be reading the post on a device that is not hooked up to the Net, or doesn’t support links, and if no explanation is offered without going to the link itself, then the posting is useless to them.
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