Byron, the man who invented possibly the most important contribution to food preservation, the Clip n Seal, is now writing about dogs for Seattle P-I. Oh, and blogs. (Shameless plug, since he mentioned this humble blog in his book Publisher & Prosper, which I haven’t read yet, but must rock, otherwise why would he mention Loose Wire?):
City Dog Life is a blog about life with urban dogs. Whether it’s spending most of their days under a desk, minding the studio, sniffing the factory floor, barking at delivery drivers, or going to doggy day care, urbanized dogs always have something going on and that’s what we’ll blog about here.
Sounds more exciting than my life. I knew I shouldn’t have tried to become a writer.
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I’ll be interviewing Byron later this week for a podcast. Let me know if you have any questions you’d like me to put to him.